Beki and Macky’s IVF
Beki and Macky’s IVF
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Rebecca Gewerth is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Russell and I started dating Feb 2017. We knew from very early on that we were great for each other! We got engaged, bought a house, and were married in 2019. We both always wanted kids so we started right away. After a new months of failed attempts we really got to work.  We research helpful aids. Some made sense, others were just really to keep hope alive like a tea that helped with conception. Covid hit and with all the confusion and not being able to visit hospitals we put that part on hold. I contacted a friend who was also having fertility issues. She showed me a way to track my cycle and almost pin point my ovulation time. I was so dedicated to conceiving a child I went so far as to have a coworker cover my weekend shift so I could go to my husbands work place -4 hours north that week- so we wouldnt miss the window! However nothing we did was successful so i contacted my primary doctor and told her what was going on. She got me in within a week and that’s what started the ball rolling. That was June of 2020. My fallopian tubes were damaged beyond repair. Cysts were present as well. The doctor needed to surgically remove one tube from an ovary because it was “cemented” on. I needed 3 months of recovery time after the surgery. (March 8th, 2021) We had incredibly high doctor bills to pay because insurance doesn’t cover infertility. We heard of CNY fertility clinic through a friend. We gir in contact with them. I needed 15 vials of blood taken to make sure I was “okay inside”. My husband had 4 taken. We both did a genetics test to make sure our future child had the greatest chance of being healthy. Fast forward to now. We are so close to the finish line. June 22nd we plan to start the medications. They cost $2800 for one month supply. Any little bit of help could really help us achieve our dream sooner. ♡
My cousin told me something yesterday and it stuck with me. “You have been so positive through our this whole thing. You’ll get your miracle.” And while she said it, I thought to myself, “if only she could see the dark days I had to pull myself through to get to this point.” My husband and I have become much better communicators during this experience. We have become stronger. We know one way or another we will start our family and that the strongest people need to be put through obstacles and hardships to get where they need to be.
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Rebecca Gewerth is organizing this fundraiser.